Honeychick Homestead

Homestead, Health, and Happiness

After Infusio – Four and Five Month Update


It’s almost been five months since I returned from Infusio. Life has been busy but good! Since I’m almost a month overdue with my update, this post will be a combined four and five month update. Next month is a big milestone, 6 months post treatment!

I’m really enjoying my life without Lyme! This is the longest I’ve been symptom free in at least 10 years!! It is really nice not having to deal with weird symptoms, tons of medication, and supplements. I’m so grateful for my amazing Lyme doctor and that I had the opportunity to get treatment at Infusio!

Since returning home, I’ve talked to at least 25 people about my experience. I feel privileged to have the opportunity to talk with each person. It’s been wonderful to talk to others with Lyme.

They understand the frustration of dealing with an illness that has no specific treatment plan, and the uncertainty that comes along with feeling like you’re a human “guinea pig” or as Yolanda Foster tweeted “My life feels like a test nobody studied for…..” Each conversation has been such a blessing to me, and everyone has been so encouraging and friendly!

A few of the people I’ve spoken with will be going to Infusio this year. One of them is en route to Frankfurt today! These awesome Lyme warriors have agreed to let me “keep tabs” on their progress for at least their first year post treatment. I have a series of questions they will be answering pre-treatment and at certain post treatment “milestones.”  I’m hopeful my blog will be more than my Infusio story, and will be a place for many stories of healing and remission.

Okay back to my update!

I’ve still been making sleep a priority, and I’ve been averaging 9 hours most nights. I think it has really helped with my healing, which makes sense since our immune systems do so much work while we are sleeping. I am very surprised at how much more rested I feel just by getting an extra hour a night. I thought I was well rested getting 8 hours, but 9 hours feels even better!

I haven’t been having my daily cup of Nettle tea, and I’m trying to get back on track since it helps the body detox. I have continued with acupuncture and I do believe that has been super helpful during this time of re-modulation. My acupuncturist continues to be amazed by how much my body has changed.

My pulses are stronger, and have less signs of stagnation or deficiencies. My tongue continues to show things are improving and the signs of stagnation have disappeared. As I mentioned in my last update, Chinese medicine believes the tongue has many connections to meridians and internal organs. You can read more about tongue diagnosis here.

The occasional digestive issues are also getting better. I’m continuing a probiotic dose of 50 billion a day. I regularly drink bone broth and eat fermented foods. I keep reminding myself to be patient as my body heals, and remember that all the antibiotics were really hard on my digestive system.

Another thing I’m enjoying is my “clear” mind. There is a noticeable difference in how my brain feels. I know that my sound strange to those who’ve never had Lyme but those of you who’ve experienced minor to major Lyme brain can understand! It has been truly wonderful to not have brain fog, confusion, forgetfulness, word finding, and concentration issues. I don’t think I realized how many brain issues I experienced until I didn’t have them anymore! I just thought that was “normal!”

There is one thing that hasn’t improved, and that is my shortness of breath. As I mentioned in my previous update, it hasn’t worsened, however, it feels stagnant. I was hoping for a complete resolution, but I understand it may just be a permanent side effect, or possibly may not have been related to the Lyme and Babesia.  If that is the only “lingering” effect, I can’t complain.

I haven’t seen Phil for a follow-up appointment and I hope to see him the next time he’s in Marin. I’m really curious to see if the Global Diagnostics scan picks up any Lyme or co-infections.

In the mean time, I’m sharing this link to an informative 30 minute interview with Phil Battiade, the founder of Infusio. He explains how the Global Diagnostics works and give great info on thymus and stem cell therapy.

If you’d like to talk with me about my Infusio experience, please contact me. I’d love to talk with you!

6 thoughts on “After Infusio – Four and Five Month Update

  1. Jen,
    I am SO happy to read your updates and see that you are doing well!! What a blessing! I actually ended up going to Infusio (Frankfurt) last month an have been home for about 2 weeks now. It was all such a whirlwind since we made the decision about 2 1/2 weeks before my first treatment (much like your trip, I believe)! I’d be happy to share my experience and give updates on your blog if you’d like. Just let me know :). I’m also happy to speak with anyone who has questions about the trip/treatment or is on the fence about going. My email is kktoaster033@msn.com (yeah….it’s an OLD email address).
    I look forward to speaking with you soon and hope that I’ll be able to share my story with your readers. I’d do just about anything to get the word out about Lyme and Infusio :). Again, I’m so SO glad that you’re continuing to feel better as time goes on!
    Spread my Love,

    • Oh my gosh Kaylie, that is so exciting!! I am SO glad you were able to go. I would love if your would share your progress! I’ll email you the “before Infusio” questions today! Hopefully you can remember how you felt before 🙂 and I’ll get the after questions out to you soon! And if you want to share your story that would be great too. You can email it to me at honeychickhomestead@gmail.com. Thanks for being willing to share! I know it will help so many others! Blessings, Jen

  2. Hi Jen,

    Just a quick thought on your shortness of breath issue… I used to suffer the same issue but I found persistent relief after taking adrenal support daily. I used the AOR Adrenal glandular supplement previously but it is no longer available in Canada so I switched to Genestra Brands TADS instead. The AOR one is stronger and much better according to my naturopath and my own experience, but Health Canada banned it so I have to switch to TADS, which is somewhat weaker. However, after taking it daily for a while, I found I would be able to taper it down to one tab every 2 days or even 3 days, which would keep the shortness of breath away. If I found it creeping back, I would up the dose that they would usually do the job.

    I hope this would be helpful to you. All the best! 🙂

  3. hi Jen, I tried to access your link to hear Phil Battiade but it said link couldn’t be found. Do u know of another way I can access it. Perhaps it’s on his facebook page. I have late-stage Lyme & it’s very severe & I’m checking into Infusio. Here’s the section the link was in on your blog.

    [ In the mean time, I’m sharing this link to an informative 30 minute interview with Phil Battiade, the founder of Infusio. He explains how the Global Diagnostics works and give great info on thymus and stem cell therapy. ]

    Vickie in Texas

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